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Jewelry » » offers fine diamond jewelry, engagement and wedding rings,diamond white gold rings, promise rings, diamond and gemstone bracelets, pearl necklaces, gemstone pendants, customized jewelry, brand watches. Build your own ring. Free shipping.

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Question: #1: Diamond?????
what does the word "diamond" mean?andi dont meanlike the shape or rockish thingyi know it issomething. perverted. or w/ebut idk what it is.ithink i might. but idk - asked by sugarpie2013

Diamond means something hard. It was referred toas 'adamant' in the past. - answered by: Gene H
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Question: #2: How is a diamond matched with its certificate?
I understand a diamond certificate, 4 C's etc. Butwhat is to stop someone just selling a lower gradediamond with a certificate for a different, highergrade diamond?I have heard that some have a numberlaser etched on the diamond which corresponds withthe certificate, which is fine. Do allcertificated diamonds have this? Will an EGLcertified diamond have this for example? - asked by SUGREF

No, not all certified stones have laserinscriptions. And most EGL certs aren't worth thepaper they're written onEach diamond has distinctindividual characteristics (feathers, cracks,inclusions, etc) which can be mapped out on anappraisal. So, before you buy a stone, ask ifthere is a map to go with the cert (most do) andlook at the stone yourself under the scope. Evenif there is # inscribed on the stone, those canbe done outside of the lab, so you still reallyneed to check the stone yourself, if you're thatconcerned. However, why on earth would you giveyour money to a jeweler you didn't trust? Stayaway from chain stores and anything in the mall...find a local, independent jeweler, someonereputable and recommended by others, before youdrop a single pennygood luck! - answered by: Randi L
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Question: #3: How long after the first diamond begins to fallwill the two diamonds be 24 m apart?
Two diamonds begin a free fall from rest from thesame height, 1.9 s apart. How long after the firstdiamond begins to fall will the two diamonds be 24m apart? - asked by Samuel Tewolde

There is not enough information to answer thequestion.In a vacuum, the rate of acceleration dueto gravity G is 9.8 meters per second at sealevel. So after the first second, the firstobject would be 9.8 meters from the second objectwhich is still at rest. After 1.9 seconds, thefirst object would be 27.4 meters from the secondobject. It doesn't matter what the objects are -they could be feathers or bricks - in avacuum.Diamonds have a specific gravity of 3.5,which is important because of the effects offriction from the atmosphere. You would have toprovide the pressure altitude, temperature, andhumidity of the atmosphere, as well as coefficientof drag of the diamonds, because drag of theatmosphere would affect the rate of fall of thediamonds. You would also need to know the. - answered by: georock1959
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Question: #4: What makes the diamond the hardest mineral?
What makes the diamond the hardest mineral?I haveheard that something other is harder than adiamond, but I am not sure. So I don't reallycare about the other things, because I don't knowthem. So what makes the diamond, not otherminerals, the hardest mineral? - asked by sunshine101

It's hardest because of it's chemical make-up. It's made of carbon and carbon atoms fit very wellto each other. There is no space between so theobject becomes very stable. Also, for diamonds,millions of years under the ground being squeezedby all the weight of the rock around it changes itfrom just being coal or some other form of carbonto diamond. - answered by: Henry
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Question: #5: How much are my 10k gold diamond earrings worth?
I have an old pair of screwback 10k yg earringswith what appears to be real diamonds (theyscratched glass). The diamond is round andaccording to an actual diamond size chart itweighs somewhere between .50- 1 carat. Bothearrings with the diamonds intact weigh 2.82 gtotal.I am just looking for a rough estimate. Iknow I should get them appraised. I want to sellthem online but don't even know how much around Ishould expect for them. - asked by ifmelfalls

The gold alone is only worth $30 resale 10k ischeap, the diamond is most expensive so you'd comeout better scrapping the gold and selling thediamonds separate. - answered by: ♥_Dip_♥
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Question: #6: What do you think the different diamond shapes sayabout the wearer?
For example, do you think sophisticated womenprefer a certain shape of diamond while morefamily oriented women prefer another shape? I amnot trying to make fun of anyone's preferred cutof diamond - I am really just curious to see ifanyone has any opinions about the different shapesout there. I am curious about everyone's opinionabout all diamond shapes if you have one.ajsarabi- no I do not have diamond envy - I have a onecarat diamond (not saying which shape) but wasjust bored and wanted to start up a coolconversation. - asked by Kiwi

Round cut - the wearer is the type of person whothinks "classics never die". Round-cut diamondwearers have simple, elegant stylePrincess cut -since these are more expensive to produce, thewearer likes fine, expensive things, and the nameof the cut could also describe the person wearingit. Beware: could also be something of adiva.Marquise cut - lovely cut, and makes thefingers look longer. The wearer may be a hopelessromantic (especially if they know the story behindthe Marquis cut stone)Trillion cut - Cool, modernand different. Not many people have this type ofcut stone. The wearer likes different things andhas a quirky sense of style and humor.Oval cut -old-fashioned type of person; tradition is veryimportant to the wearer. To me, oval cut stonesremind me of cameo jewelry (ovals) and antiqueestate jewelry and they are very old-world styleaccessories. - answered by: oneterribabe
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Question: #7: What is the best way to use a 1/4 carat diamond inan engagement ring?
I have a good quality diamond passed through thefamily I would like to use in an engagement ring. Just not sure if that is too small to use as themain diamond and if there are any settings thatwould look good with that size diamond? - asked by BL

Lucky you! Take it to your local jeweler, andcheck out all the different styles of mountingavailable - or design your own! As to the size...that's up to you... some people would say aquarter carat is too small, and some would loveit. If you think it's too small as a solitaire,put it into a mounting where it;'s not the onlystone. - answered by: Randi L
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Question: #8: How do you remove a diamond from a tungstencarbide ring?
It is a wedding band with a diamond in it... thereare no prongs just a hole all the way through theband with the diamond set in the whole... is theresome method to remove it or do you have to breakthe ring to get it out? - asked by IG64

The ring will have to be broken (actually,shattered) to get the stone out. Which may leadto some damage to your diamond, so be prepared,and take it to a reputable jeweler. If anything,take it back to the jeweler you purchased it from- they can return it to the manufacturer - answered by: Randi L
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Question: #9: How much will the massive diamond found in Africayesterday be worth? Its the biggest ever found inhistory!
It's a diamond the size of a coconut!! Twice thesize of the Culinan which was previously thelargest ever diamond and it weight in at 7000carats!! How much do you think it will be worthand what do you think will happen with it? Personally i dont think it should be altered inany way, i think it should be a museum piece. - asked by Darlingthatsfabulous

In this instance, it is worth whatever some-one iswilling to pay for it (assuming the current ownersare willing to sell)As others have suggested,unless some multi--millionaire is willing to partwith massive amounts of money to have 'the worldsbiggest diamond, ever', it's likely to be cut intomultiple 'only just the biggest diamonds' (afterall, why make it too difficult to find, and sell,a larger one ?)As for putting it into a Museum -well perhaps the Getty Museum or similar hasalready bid for it :-) - answered by: Steve B
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Question: #10: How important is it that a diamond engagment ringbe GIA certified?
Shopping for engagement ring for my girlfriend,and prices are friggin ridiculous. Why does itseem so important that a ring be GIA certified,and what is the biggest difference from a diamondthat is and a diamond that isn't? - asked by poppa mike

Marketing will have you believe that it makes ahuge difference. It doesn't. Just know your 4 C's.Color, cut, clarity and carat. That's what reallymatters. When something is GIA certified, it justmeans that they have done the work for you andgave it their special rating. Do a littleresearch, and save some money - answered by: It's me again...
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