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Jewelry » » offers fine diamond jewelry, engagement and wedding rings,diamond white gold rings, promise rings, diamond and gemstone bracelets, pearl necklaces, gemstone pendants, customized jewelry, brand watches. Build your own ring. Free shipping.
Question : How important is it that a diamond engagment ring be GIA certified?
Shopping for engagement ring for my girlfriend, and prices are friggin ridiculous. Why does it seem so important that a ring be GIA certified, and what is the biggest difference from a diamond that is and a diamond that isn't?
- asked by poppa mike

All Answers:
Answer #1
Marketing will have you believe that it makes ahuge difference. It doesn't. Just know your 4 C's.Color, cut, clarity and carat. That's what reallymatters. When something is GIA certified, it justmeans that they have done the work for you andgave it their special rating. Do a littleresearch, and save some money
- answered by It's me again...

Answer #2
GIA is recognized across the world as being themost accurate and unbiased opinion when it comesto grading diamondsThe advantages of buying adiamond with a GIA certificate are: You will knowexactly what you are buying. Every importantfactor you need to know about the diamond isdescribed in the certificate. The seller knowsexactly what he/she is selling to you so as toavoid any misunderstandings in the future. If adiamond comes with a GIA certificate, you do nothave to worry about the possibility that you mightbe purchasing a fracture-filled diamond. These arediamonds that have surface cracks that can beartificially filled to appear as much betterdiamonds than they actually are. These are inessence, very low quality diamonds that look greatto naked eyes. GIA does not certificate thesediamonds. If a diamond comes with a GIAcertificate, you will not become a victim ofbuying a synthetic diamond. Yes, there are realman-made diamonds that hit the market in 1977.Currently, average jewelers have no way of tellingif a diamond is natural or man-made (These are notdiamond stimulants as CZs, but real diamonds thatare man made). Purchasing a GIA certified diamondwill simply provide you with much more confidenceand valuealso, i think it might be important forinsurance reasons, but im not sure
- answered by jenjen128500

Answer #3
homg, so much.
- answered by alexaatomic.

Answer #4
Hi there,The 4cs to the diamond are whatdetermines its value..If you buy a diamond withouta certificate then you are not guaranteed itsdescription and hence its value..Many jewlers selltheir uncertified diamonds as a range,like clarityH-F, and they sell it for instance 2000$ when youtake it to be graded most likely you will get agrade lower than the range, altough there is aslight chance you can get a grade in the Hrange.So buying an already certified diamond isthe best way to go.Now the GIA part..GIA has themost strict standards for diamonds,meaning if youhave an EGL diamond which is D in colour,If youtake it to GIA they are most likely to certify itas E-F!They are very strict.Thats why if youcompare 2 diamonds of the same colour with thesecertificate you will find a huge difference...Ihope this was helpful to you,if you need any thingyou can contact me at my site, I can even help yougetting a very discounted GIA diamonds :)Goodluck
- answered by nino m

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Answer #5
GIA is the foremost authority in diamondcertification. ofcourse it holds more value thananyone else in the business. BUt the otherlaboratories are not that bad. Ususally one landup paying little more for a GIA cert. I believethe good co like IGI, EGL etc are all equallygood.If you want to value your diamonds to see ifyou are paying the right price then check itonline
- answered by gehnabazaar


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